This price structure is lucrative for Apple. 这种价格结构为苹果带来了丰厚利润。
Familiar with plastics processing technics, plastics mould and the price structure of injection molding accessories; 熟悉塑料加工工艺,塑料模具;熟悉注塑零件的价格构成;
The biggest problem with the price structure is that the electricity prices for the residential sector are too low. 电价结构扭曲中最大的问题是居民生活用电价格严重偏低。
Along with the launch comes a new price structure 收购之后Atlassian推出了新的价格结构
While the overall price structure still favors the bullish case, the negative divergence on Money Flow measure points toward a fading trend. 虽然市场的总体价格形态仍支持看涨判断,但资金流向指标的负面背离却指向趋势消退。
It is far simpler to allow one price to change, namely the price of foreign exchange, than to rely upon changes in the multitude of prices that together constitute the internal price structure. 与依赖于一堆货币的价格变动相比(这些货币共同组成了国际价格结构),让一种外汇的价格发生变动则要容易得多。
This will lower the returns to all existing sellers and perhaps undermine the price structure altogether. 这就会降低所有现在销售者的投资收益,并且大约会损害总的价格结构。
We should consider our profit margin when setting our price structure. 我们在制定价格结构时应该考虑到边际利润率。
In the classic script for a Cartel, the group sets a unified optimally exploiting price structure. 按照卡特尔的传统范本,这个集团制定出一个统一的最有利于剥削的价格结构。
The new pricing mechanism is different from the traditional one on the system basis. And basic goals of the new one are controlling high price in monopoly, preventing inefficient entering and designing effective price structure. 新的定价机制在制度基础上区别于传统机制,并要达到控制垄断收益、防止无效率进入和设计有效价格结构三个基本目标。
The difficulty of price structure research comes from unendogenetic indirect network externalities in this bankcard two-sided market. 银行卡产业中确定价格结构的难点在于银行卡产业中的不可内部化间接网络外部性的存在。
The traditional book pricing method of print unit pricing causes the unbalance of price structure and high price problem. 传统的图书印张定价法会导致图书价格结构失横、整体定价偏高的问题。
Analysis on Oil Price Structure and Singularity 油价结构与奇异性分析
Point out depreciation expenses is an important part of equipment price by analyzing equipment price structure in the thesis? 从分析装备价格构成入手,指出了折旧费用是装备价格的重要组成部分;
By Labor Force Commodity Attribute and Its Influence Price Structure Factor 论劳动力的商品属性及其影响价格形成的因素
The paper introduces existing problems in China's natural gas consumption, and points out that the gas price being on the high side, unreasonable consumption structure and gas price structure are the core of them. 介绍了我国天然气消费中存在的问题,指出气价偏高、特别是消费结构和气价结构不够合理是其中的核心问题。
The first section describes the features of loan commitment price structure. 第一部分介绍贷款承诺及其价格结构的特点。
Our study indicates the water tariff and the price structure have great effect on the residential water demand, therefore the price system can be used as main tools for water demand management to encourage people protecting water resources. 结果表明,价格水平与价格结构均对人们的水需求产生了显著的影响。这意味着在我国水价体系可以作为水需求侧管理的主要手段以激励人们节约用水。
First, it expounds the price structure, features and forming regulation of construction products under the environment of market-oriented economy. 文章首先阐述了市场经济条件下建筑产品价格的构成、特点及其形成规律。
Therefore, along with the continued increase of national economy and the gradually increase of people income, the most important is maintain the sound price structure of housing and the extent of price rise. 因此,随着国民经济的持续增长和居民收入水平的不断提高,关键是要保持合理的商品房价格结构和价格上涨幅度。
Whether this purpose can be realized depends ultimately on whether the two-sided price structure pushes the positive feedback effects of the network system. 这种结果能否实现,归根结底取决于银行卡网络定价过程中发卡行和消费者之间的价格与收单行和商户之间的价格的结构是否有利于增强银行卡网络系统内部的正反馈效应。
Through the economic analysis and the electricity price structure regulation analysis, the article explains the rationality of using the price discrimination in electricity pricing, discusses how to apply Price Discrimination to increasing the social welfare and improving the efficiency of resources disposition; 通过对歧视价格的经济学分析和电力价格结构管制的分析,解释了在电价制定中引入歧视价格的合理性,讨论了如何运用歧视价格实现社会福利的增长和资源配置效率的提高;
A design is made on the framework for metered heating charge, and the heat price structure, charge pattern, shared way of heat tariff, charge cycle and charge service system are discussed respectively. 进行了计量供暖收费的框架设计,探讨了热价结构、收费模式、热费的分摊方式、收费周期及收费服务体系问题。
Adjust the price structure scientifically, and improve the efficiency of the resource collocation. 第二,合理调整电价结构,提高资源配置效率。
Further, the relative changes of CPI and PPI have important effects on real economy. We should consider the changes of CPI and PPI, from the perspective of price structure, to analyze the relationship between the change of price and economic growth. 进一步指出,CPI和PPI之间的相对变动对于实体经济有着重要的影响,应该从价格结构的角度综合考虑CPI和PPI的变动,来分析价格水平的变动与经济增长之间的关系。
In the part of monopoly model, this paper attempts to build a monopoly model and work out the optimal level of quality and price structure under the condition of profit maximization in two-sided markets by introducing the quality index in form of price verse performance ratio. 在垄断模型部分,本文通过性价比形式引入质量指数,建立考虑平台质量的垄断模型,求解出平台利润最大化条件下最优质量水平和价格结构。
Researches on the price structure, influencing factors, economic models, spatial distribution, macro-control and other aspects are very common. 研究者们也对其投入巨大的热情,从价格的构成、影响因素、经济模型、空间分布、宏观调控等多个方面进行了大量研究。
Further, profit model for trading rural land and social welfare model are built up so as to form the optimal price structure for transaction of rural land circulation. 进一步,建立农户土地流转交易平台利润模型和社会福利模型,形成农地流转交易平台最优价格结构。
On the premise of two-sided different parameters of demand, network externalities and cost, this article also deduces the optimal level of quality and price structure, and analyses the variation tendency of those parameters through computer simulation. 并且在双边不同的需求参数、网络外部性参数、成本参数的前提下,推导平台的最优质量选择和定价,同时通过计算机模拟,分析平台最优质量和价格与相关上述参数间的变化趋势。
The actuality and existent problems of price regulation of Chinese public utilities are introduced in Chapter IV. The actuality of price regulation are studied from the aspects of price formation way, price means, price level, price structure, price supervise mechanism and laws. 第四章提出了我国公用事业价格规制的现状和存在的问题。从价格形成方式、定价办法、价格水平、价格结构、价格监督机制和法律等方面介绍了价格规制的现状。